The Multi utility pods includes exclusive amenities such as the spa, Public Laundry, receptions and restaurants, which are all underpinned by a commitment to championing local crafts, cuisines and traditions.

Location All over the world
Client Confidential
Expertise Concept Design I Design Development I Project Implementation

We aim to create places that are full of life day and night, and create an authentic sense of place. Each space is designed with indebt importance to the requirements of the clients and keeping the design simple and productive.

F&B POD Cafe

F&B POD Cafe 2

F&B POD Restaurant

Hospitality Clinic

Hospitality Laundry

Hospitality Reception

Hospitality Saloon

The structures have been carefully planned and sited to minimise environmental impact and also sensitively designed, to maintain and enhance the original character of the area.

Hospitality SPA

Each pod is designed with serene views of the outside environment. Highly insulated walls to sheltering users from strong sunlight and providing spectacular views of the surroundings with glazed facades.

Contact Us

Al Nakheel Towers.
Office 604
Ras Al Khaimah, UAE
Phone: +971(0) 7 208 0850
Mob: +971 58 558 3500

Want to learn more? Send us a message and we’ll be in touch.